
The Choirs of the Teatre Principal in Palma are a crucial part of the musical and lyrical range of our programming, especially during the Opera Season. Also, they collaborate in numerous external cultural events.

The Coro Petitons (Small Children Choir), the Children´s Choir, Youth Choir and the Choir of the Teatre Principal of Palma Foundation (lead choir) are institutional groups of the Council of Mallorca.

In 2008, The Choirs of the Teatre Principal received the highest award given for culture, to mark the celebration of the 25th anniversary.

Choirmaster: Francesc Bonnín

Singing teacher: Manuel Velasco 

The Cor del Teatre Principal was created in 1983 and has been led by Rafel Nadal (1983-1989), Francesc Bonnín (1989-2012), José M. Moreno (2012-2015) and Pere Víctor Rado (2015-2021). Manuel Velasco is currently a singing teacher, and from January 2022, Francesc Bonnín will once again be the choirmaster.

The choir has performed major works by the most important lyrical authors such as Verdi (Il trovatore, Don Carlo, La Traviata, Nabucco, Rigoletto, Aida, Macbeth, Un ballo in maschera and Falstaff); Puccini (La bohème, Tosca, Le villi, Suor Angelica, Turandot, La fanciulla del West, Madama Butterfly); Montsalvatge (Una voce in off); Mozart (Così fan tutte, Don Giovanni, Die Entführung aus dem Serail, Die Zauberflöte); Rossini (Il barbiere di Siviglia, L’Italiana in Algeri, La Cenerentola); Bellini (Norma); Donizetti (Lucia di Lammermoor, L’elisir d’amore, Il Campanello); Mascagni (Cavalleria rusticana); Leoncavallo (Pagliacci) Giordano (Andrea Chénier); Bizet (Carmen, Les Pêcheurs de Perles); Wagner (Der Fliegende Höllander); Gounod (Faust); Cilea (Adriana Lecouvreur); Offenbach (The Tales of Hoffmann); Saint-Saëns (Samson and Delilah); Boito (Mefistofele); Bretón (Lovers of Teruel); Arrieta (Marina); Gluck (Orfeo ed Euridice)... and zarzuelas Gigantes y Cabezudos, Doña Francisquita, Luisa Fernanda, La Tabernera del Puerto, Marina, Los gavilanes, El huésped del sevillano, La viuda alegre, etc.

As a result of all this work, it has been able to collaborate with international artists such as E. Obratzova, D. Zajick, A. Milo, C. Álvarez, V. Sardinero, A. Cupido, C. Chausson, J. Pons, F. Cossotto, K. Rydl, M. Manguerra, I. Vinco, A. M. Sánchez, J. Bros, R. Kabaivanska, N. Martinucci, P. Giuliacci, G. Casolla, F. Patané, L. Flanighan, D. Mazzola Gavazzeni, I. Salazar... y con directores como F. Mónica, L. Remartínez, P. Bender, E. Colomer, G. Simon, N. Santi, E. Khon, R. Gandolfi, G. Carella, F. Haider, M. Amiliato, J. Acs, C. Davis, R. Palumbo, R. Paternostro, F. M. Carminati, etc.

Besides the many performances in Mallorca, the choir has also performed at the Santander Festival (1994), Gstaad Festival (Switzerland) (1989), Sant Lluís Summer Concerts (Menorca), Arriaga Theatre in Bilbao, Basilica of Sant Pere in the Vatican (2004) and at the Berliner Philharmonie with the Berlin Symphony Orchestra in a concert dedicated to Beethoven (2015). The choir is a regular contributor during the Orquestra Simfònica de Balears (Symphony Orchestra of the Balearic Islands) seasons.
The choir has performed (in some cases for the first time) and recorded music by Mallorcan composers, such as the choral music of Antoni Noguera, El pi de Formentor and Nuredduna by Bernat Julià, L’enamorada by B. Poquet, El castell d’iràs i no tornaràs by B. Porcel, Rua Fosca by J. Santandreu and M. Brunet (on DVD, which won a “Premi 31 de desembre” from the Obra Cultural Balear (OCB)), Angelus and La Balanguera by Joan Valent, La Balanguera by Joan Martorell, 20th Anniversary Concert of the Cors de la FTPP (on DVD), and the cantata El Rei Jaume I by Antoni Parera Fons.

In 2008, it received the Ramon Llull prize from the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands. In addition, it was awarded the Medal of honour and gratitude from the Consell de Mallorca (Council of Mallorca) and a distinction from the Obra Cultural Balear (Balearic Cultural Work) for their work.


Choirmaster: Llorenç Bonet

Drama teacher: Mar Verdera

The Youth Choir was set up in 1990 as a natural evolution in the growth of the members of the Children´s Choir. At the same time as its members receive vocal, music and theatre training, the Youth Choir carries out intense activity working on all kinds of a capella repertoires or accompaniment with piano or instruments.

It has collaborated with the Youth Band of the Federation of Bands, the Youth Orchestra of the Balearic Symphony Orchestra, Aula 98, Pollensa Band, Camerata Sa Nostra and the Lyrical Orchestra of Mallorca. It has collaborated on different musical initiatives such as the Lyrical Galas of Andratx, on the shows Agua, azucarillos y aguardiente, La Montería, La Corte del Faraón, La Gran Vía and Gigantes y Cabezudos. It collaborates on a large number of shows produced by the Teatre Principal such as Ai, Quaquin que has vengut de prim, as well as operas such as Cançó d’amor i de guerra, Cavalleria Rusticana, Marina, Norma, etc.

It participated in the XXX Ejea de los Caballeros Choir Competition (Zaragoza) where it obtained third prize, in the XXXIII San Vicente de la Barquera Choir Competition (Cantabria) where it won the Bronze Lyre and Special Public Prize and in the Molina de Segura National Choir Singing Competition (Murcia).

It is a choir that specialises in staging its own musical-theatre shows such as Renaixement, La vida en un instant and Una nit de musicals. In addition to performing concerts all over Mallorca, the Youth Choir has had several successful trips with a concert in Granada at the Manuel de Falla Chair of Music and a concert in the city of Vic (Catalonia).

Choirmaster: María Francisca Mir

Drama teacher: Mar Verdera

The Children´s Choir of the Teatre Principal was created in 1987 as part of the staging of the cantata Carmina Burana, by Carl Orff. Its first directors were Paco Forteza and Jaume Llull and, subsequently, the maestro Fernando Marina. Maria Francesca Mir has been the director since 1995.

It is formed by fifty children that receive vocal, music and theatre training. Along with the Coro Petitons and the Youth Choir, it forms the base and the choir school that prepares the future singers of the resident Choir.

It has participated in the opera seasons of the Teatre Principal performing the most important titles for children´s choirs, such as Tosca, La bohème, Cavalleria rusticana, Carmen, I Pagliacci, Turandot and Mefistofele. It also collaborates regularly with the Symphonic Orchestra of the Balearic Islands and has released its own shows such as Opéra Soiré and Els Pirates and the cantatas El Sant Novici, by Gabriel Sabrafín and David León; Rua Fosca, by Jaume Santandreu and Miquel Brunet (31 de desembre Prize awarded by the OCB) and El Rei en Jaume I, by Antoni Parera Fons.

It has performed all over the Balearic Islands, at the Santander Music Festival with Paul McCartney´s Liverpool Oratorio conducted by Carl Davis, in 1994; at the Palau de la Música Catalana with the Petits Chanteurs de Saint-Marc known for the film The Chorus, in 2006; and it obtained third prize at the Cantonigròs International Music Festival, in 2001.

Choirmaster: Llorenç Bonet

Drama teacher: Vicenç Torres

Coro Petitons is formed by forty children aged between four and eight who, alongside the Children´s Choir and Youth Choir, form the base and choir school that prepares futures singers.

This choir, which was established at the start of the 90´s, carries out intense teaching work as its members are trained in music and theatre. It stages its own end of year shows, participates in events in Mallorca and institutional events.