Theater Small Hall


Vania (escenas de la vida)

Àlex Rigola



April, 06

7 p.m.

9 p.m.


75 minutes


18 euros

Four actors in a state of grace. A wooden box that is six metres wide and eight metres long, with an open roof that holds 60 spectators. Just like his Pasolini -which dazzled on the stage of the Principal- one again the staging is minimal and free of artifice. Vania (escenas de la vida) by Àlex Rigola is one of the most exquisite pieces from the season of theatre. The Catalan director presents a pure and refined Vania, that exudes closeness, truth and delicacy. But also anguish and melancholy. The central theme of Vania is life, which can be observed through the vision of the characters and their respective miseries. Times of darkness and disillusionment for citizens: everything that yesterday promised as the future has been laid bare by a reality that only hints at disappointment. A century on, Chekhov´s text enables us to reflect on the loss of direction as if we had learned nothing up until now. This is a Vania that abandons any focus on local folklore to explore its own territory. The starting point: the theatrical event. With this Vania Rigola manages to elevate theatre, as an Art, through the most categorical frankness and reach emotion through the essence.

Espectáculo suspendido

La productora ha cancelado la función por motivos ajenos al Teatre Principal. La razón de la cancelación es la suspensión unilateral por parte de la productora de la gira que estaba haciendo este montaje. Se llevará a cabo la devolución del importe de las entradas a todos los espectadores que hayan adquirido su localidad con tarjeta de crédito. Aquellos que lo hubieran hecho en efectivo a través de nuestra taquilla, tendrán que acudir directamente a la misma en su horario habitual ( Quién haya utilizado la tarjeta regalo para la compra de estas entradas, obtendrá el mismo saldo devuelto automáticamente en su tarjeta.


Anton P. Txèkhov


Àlex Rigola


Lola Blasco


Ariadna Gil, Gonzalo Cunill, Irene Escolar, Luis Bermejo


Max Glaenzel

Director Assistance

Alba Pujol

Assistant director

Lucía Díaz-Tejeiro


Jordi Puig”Kai”


Anton P. Txèkhov


Àlex Rigola


Lola Blasco


Ariadna Gil, Gonzalo Cunill, Irene Escolar, Luis Bermejo


Max Glaenzel

Director Assistance

Alba Pujol

Assistant director

Lucía Díaz-Tejeiro


Jordi Puig”Kai”


The press says