New approaches Small Hall



Els bràquets d'Afrodita, l'acne d'Atena i la miopia d'Hera (Episodi III)

As Marias



November, 30

8 p.m.

December, 01

6 p.m.


70 minutes


15 euros

The ever-surprising As Marias company raises its stake and it now presents Els bràquets d'Afrodita, l'acne d'Atena i la miopia d'Hera. Episodi III, a trilogy in permanent creation about the social impositions that emerge from the prevailing beauty standards in western societies, which have become more noticeable with social media. This three-branch production takes a pungent, yet amusing walk through the three stages of human life. Now, As Marias proposes Episodi III, where beauty standards, sexual objectification of women, figures idolised by an entire society and television of the 1990s are the starting point of this proposal, which aims to break away from all dramatic conventions by giving the audience a decisive role. Els bràquets d'Afrodita, l'acne d'Atena i la miopia d'Hera received an Honorary Mention in the New Approaches category in Teatre Principal’s last coproduction call.

Coprodution: As Marias, El Somni Produccions and Teatre Principal de Palma

* This show has the Principal Menut library service. A free service that we offer in the theater every Sunday with function, for children from 3 to 12 years. You can reserve a place during the purchase process

Idea and dramaturgy
As Marias

Pedro Orell
Alberto Codes
Lucía Sánchez Cervera
Lluki Portas
Joana Peralta

In collaboration with:
Sergi Baos
Luis Baró
Joan Porcel
Alberto Codes

Special thanks
Entra Escènica
Agora Consultora
Blat al Sac

Recommended from 14 years.
An As Marias, El Somni Produccions and Teatre Principal de Palma corproduction.
