Dance Great Hall



Wu Wei Raquel Klein



January, 31

8 p.m.

February, 01

7 p.m.


50 minutes


20 euros

Wu Wei is the first work created by Raquel Klein. A choreographic work which tackles the subject of time and our perception of it. With this as thestarting point, Wu Wei takes us on a visual and auditory journey through contemplation, a journey during which the body relaxes and you're calmly taken away by your gaze. Klein’s choreography was introduced in medium-sized format at the Quinzena Metropolitana de Dansa by La Caldera, and forms part of an individual-format investigation which is being run in parallel to the piece 1’28 (which we were able to see last season in the Small Hall, and which won the ArtJove 2017 award).

Co-produced by Mercat de les Flors and Teatre Principal de Palma. Additional support and collaboration from Teatros del Canal, EiMa, Graner, Estruch and La Calde-ra

Director and choreographer

Raquel Klein

Assistant director
Daniela D’Acosta


Jacob Gómez

Martina Rocosa

Alexa Moya

Carlos Roncero

Blanca Tolsá

Adrià Juan

Albert Tarrats

Musical composition and sound space

Adrià Juan

Albert Tarrats

Lighting design

Sergio Roca

Space design

Chary Romero

Raquel Klein

Costume design

Juan Rincón

Artistic accompaniment

Lipi Hernández

Musical composition and sound space advice

Carlos Gómez


Inés Lambisto
