Theater Great Hall


Shock 1: el Cóndor y el Puma Andrés Lima



April, 02

8 p.m.


150 minutes




Between 8 and 35 euros

Recommended age

From 16 years

The director Andrés Lima, together with the playwrights Albert Boronat, Juan Cavestany and Juan Mayorga, have written this documentary theatre piece inspired by Canadian journalist Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine. A heartbreaking and surprising theatrical journey told through a story of shame, starring six actors who perform in various roles.  

Shock 1 brings the spectator a theatrical vision of the coups d'état that shook Latin America's Southern Cone countries in the 1960s and 1970s. Everything from Donald Hebb and Ewen Cameron's psychiatric investigations to the ultra-liberalism of the monetarist doctrine of Milton Friedman and his Chicago Boys (University of Chicago), whose mission was to establish capitalism worldwide at all costs. The first economic and military shock experiments are Pinochet's coup d'état in Chile, followed by Operation Condor in much of Latin America, combining neoliberal economies with dictatorial regimes imposed by violence and human rights violations. This was the time of Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, Salvador Allende, Augusto Pinochet, Víctor Jara, Marito Kempes, Adolfo Scilingo, Jorge Rafael Videla and even Elvis Presley.

Shock 1 (Condor and Puma) was created following the theatrical investigation of General Pinochet's coup d'état against Salvador Allende's government. A theatre documentary where history is represented and to be understood through emotion.

The result of what we built or destroyed in the past. Today's prevailing capitalism has been in the making for a long time, but it gets a decisive boost after the end of the Second World War, partly thanks to, or despite, the Shock Doctrine. And the Chilean coup is its first experiment.

The production won the Max Awards for Best Stage Direction (Andrés Lima) and Best Stage Design (Beatriz Sanjuan).

Albert Boronat, Juan Cavestany, Andrés Lima, Juan Mayorga

Albert Boronat, Andrés Lima

Andrés Lima 

Antonio Durán "Morris": Salvador Allende, Augusto Pinochet and Chorus
Esteban Meloni: Richard Helms, Mr. Langley, Elvis Presley, Jorge Rafael Videla, Víctor Jara, Marito Kempes, Adolfo Scilingo, Chicago Boy and Chorus
Guillermo Toledo: Richard Nixon, Radio announcer and Chorus
Juan Vinuesa: Milton Friedman, Ewen Cameron, Henry Kissinger, The young boy, Chicago Boy, English Interpreter and Chorus
María Morales: Journalist, Miss Washington, Margaret Thatcher, Chicago Girl, Outraged mummy, Hebe De Bonafini and Chorus
Natalia Hernández: “La Payita”, Lucía Hiriart, Miss Korry, The forgetful woman, Uruguayan woman, Chicago Girl, Nixon’s secretary and Chorus
Paco Ochoa: Mr. Korry, Manuel Contreras, A cop, Chicago Boy, Mr. Washington Big Fish, Chilean interpreter and Chorus

Stage design and costumes

Beatriz San Juan

Pedro Yagüe

Music and Sound
Jaume Manresa

Sound design
Enrique Mingo

Video creation
Miquel Àngel Raió

Cécile Kretschmar

Assistant Director
Laura Ortega

Stage design and costumes assistant  
Almudena Bautista

Video assistants 
Vivi Comas, Álex Romero e Iñigo Rodríguez 

Internship student (RESAD)
Antonio Domínguez Delgado 

Video illustrations
Beatriz San Juan 

Video production and editing
Miquel Àngel Raió 

marcosGpunto, Laura Ortega

Paz Producciones 

Poster design
Equipo SOPA 

Pepe Iglesias

Check-in Producciones: Joseba Gil 

Centro Dramático Nacional and Check-in Producciones 

Acknowledgements: Juan Ángel Torti, Chilean cameraman (16 mm colour filming - 11, 13 and 14 September 1973), José Manuel Rodríguez (Museum of Memory and Human Rights, Chile), Radio Televisión Española, University of Santiago de Chile's Heritage Archive, Archivo DiFilm - Buenos Aires / Argentina, Radio and Television Argentina and National Film Archive of Chile, Eugenia Alonso, Héctor Alterio, Valentín Álvarez, Manuel Bautista Fernández, Gonzalo Bernal, Juan Diego Botto, Alejandro Cano, Pedro Chaskel, Clara Cirera, Elena De Lucas, Cristina Fernández Cubas, Laura Galán, Joan Garcés, Andrea Guzmán, Pablo Insunza, María Llinares, Marcelo Morales, Álvaro Silva, Beltrán Stingo and Paco Toledo

#SHOCK #ladoctrinadelshock
@estebanmeloni @aduranmorris59 @nataliahdezarevalo @mariamoralesactriz @juanvinuesa83 @pacoochoa1


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