Theater Great Hall


El tocadiscos de Joan Fuster Pau Alabajos / Barnasants



January, 29

6 p.m.


90 minutes




15 euros

Recommended age

From 12 years

El tocadiscos de Joan Fuster (Joan Fuster’s record player), produced and released in Barnasants 2022, signifies a theatrical show filled up with live music. Built upon a selection of ‘fusterian’ texts which reflect on the ‘Nova Cançó’ (New Song) cultural movement, this work sets a jigsaw puzzle of thoughts, aphorisms, and dissertations that characterizes this fictitious interview. This dramatized conversation is starred by the essayist from Sueca and the young journalist interviewing him; they discuss the role that the ‘Setze Jutges’ played in the fight against Francoism, the importance of the ‘Nova Cançó’ during the democratic transition, and other social, political, and cultural concerns affecting our recent history. 

The songs by Raimon, Lluís Llach, Maria del Mar Bonet, Ovidi Montllor or Al Tall which are mentioned throughout the interview form the soundtrack of this show. The songwriter Pau Alabajos interprets live some of the most symbolic hymns from the sixties and seventies, doing homage to Joan Fuster in the centenary of his birth. 

Alfred Picó (Joan Fuster)
Lara Salvador (Periodista) 

Live Music
Laura Navarro , Adriana Sena , Laura Raurell , Enrique Jerónimo , David Barberà 

Live Singers
Pau Alabajos, Mireia Vives, Feliu Ventura, Meritxell Gené 

Stage Direction
Gabriel Ochoa 

Dramatic Text
Pau Alabajos 

Scenography and Lighting Design
Los Reyes del Mambo 

Produccions Metrònom 

Direction Assistant and Fashion
Maria Almudever
