Music Great Hall


Cicle OSIB en el Teatre Principal "Festa heroica", with Alexandra Conunova



April, 25

8 p.m.


120 minutes

The Simfònica completes its cycle of concerts in the Teatre Principal with a musical revision of the Eastern Europe musical tradition and of one of the most iconic symphonies in the history of music. 

The concert opens in a festive mood with an exuberant Shostakovich showing his musical skills in the direction of an orchestra. This overture is followed by one of the most extreme violin concerts by Eric Korngold because of its technical difficulty. Korngold was influenced by the European tradition, but he was deeply linked with Hollywood, becoming a huge influence for the American music of the second half of the twentieth century. A classic within the violin literature in all the registers of this instrument and in his extraordinary coexistence with the orchestral music. 

Finally, a musical cathedral. One of the works that Beethoven dedicated to the change of paradigm in Europe after the French revolution, and his disappointment with Napoleon. A masterpiece which supposed the beginning of the symphonic modernity.

Alexandra Conunova

Sascha Goetzel

Orquestra Simfònica Illes Balears

D. Xostakóvitx, Obertura festiva, op. 96
E. Korngold, Concert per a violí, op. 35
L.V. Beethoven, Simfonia núm. 3, “Heroica” op.55
