Dance Great Hall


Mont Ventoux By Kor'sia



May, 25

6 p.m.


60 minutes


Between 8 and 25 euros

Recommended age

From 12 years

Inspired by Petrarch's The Ascent of Mont Ventoux, the Kor'sia collective seeks answers from the humanist past to address the challenges posed by a 21st-century paradigm shift: the construction of individuals capable of rebuilding themselves and the planet.

In 1336, Francesco Petrarca wrote what seemed to be a simple account of climbing a mountain on a spring day. Yet, this narrative reveals an ascending journey, a call to leave behind the darkness of the Middle Ages and embrace humanism as a new paradigm.

For Kor'sia, Mont Ventoux remains a timeless lesson: learning from the past to reshape the present and build a hopeful future. In today’s accelerated world, we too feel the pressing need for change. The foundations that once supported us as a community and as humanity are faltering.

Petrarch warned us centuries ago: "We must awaken from lethargy!" Inspired by this call, Kor'sia seeks to reclaim values, reconnect with nature, and place humanity back at the center. And what better way to do so than through the universal language of dancing bodies?

Idea and Direction
Mattia Russo and Antonio de Rosa

Mattia Russo and Antonio de Rosa in collaboration with the performers

Benoît Couchot, Angela Dematte, Samuel Dilkes, Emilie Leriche, Helena Olmedo, Andrew Scott, Dovydas, Strimaitis, Ana Van Tendeloo and Edoardo Brovardi

Agnès López-Río

Amber Vandenhoeck in collaboration with Mattia Russo and Antonio de Rosa/ Kor'sia

Original Music
Alejandro Da Rocha. Original Song: Raquel Tort Vázquez

Costume design and creative direction Luca Guarini. In collaboration with Aitor Goikoetxea, Levi's (all denim).

Gabriel Blanco and Paola Villegas, Andrea Mendez (Spectare)

Technical Direction
Meritxell Cabanas


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