Theater Great Hall


XXVII Festival de Teatre Grecollatí Pàrodos. Institut Balear de Teatre Clàssic



February, 25

10 a.m.

February, 26

10 a.m.


55 minutes



Recommended age

From 12 years

These two shows have been awarded in the “Concurso Nacional de Teatro Grecolatino” by the Ministerio de Educación, Formación Profesional, y Deportes. 

The 26th edition of the “Festival de Teatro Greco Latino” portrays two different productions: Las Bacantes (The Bacchae), by Euripides, and La comedia de las cestitas (Cistellaria), by Plautus. This cultural event is organized by the association Pàrodos Institut Balear de Teatre Clàssic with the aim of bringing classical tragedies and comedies closer to adolescents. 

Exclusive morning sessions for schoolchildren: 

Las Bacantes (The Bacchae), by Euripides

Las Bacantes addresses the introduction of the worship of Dionysius into Greece, a totally different religious approach from the Greek traditional one. Dionysius arrives in Thebes as a mortal and drives the women mad, who celebrate their rites in the mountain Citeron. Cadmus, founder of the city, and the prophet Tiresias also decide to join the new religion. However, the king of Thebes and Cadmus’ grandson Pentheus refuses to do so, and as a consequence he is cruelly punished. 

La comedia de las cestitas (Cistellaria), by Plautus

Cistellaria tells the story of young Selenium, who was abandoned at her birth and brought up by a prostitute. She falls in love with Alcesimarchus, a well-born young man who passionately loves her back. Notwithstanding, his father wants to marry him to a girl from the same social class. The conflict between love and convenience is the base of this comedy. After a series of unexpected events, Selenium’s noble origin will be finally revealed; her real mother recognizes her and thus Selenium is able to marry her lover. 

Las Bacantes 

Direction and adaptation
Silvia Zarco 

Tomás Casatejada, Silvia Gómez, Alberto Zazo, Pedro García, Manuel Hernán, Enrique López, Nieves Gonzálvez

Ángela Gil, Silvia Cuevas, Patricia Flores, Marina Gonzálvez, Triana Díaz-Asensio, Adriana Flores, Aroa Muñoz, Celia Rayo, Aitana Muñoz, Alejandra Sánchez, Minerva Sánchez, Paula Mansilla, Elena Pijuán 

Tema original God of water (apertura), May Hernández

Celia Carrasco

Olga Luengo y Silvia Zarco

La comèdia de la cestita

Direction and adaptation
Silvia Zarco 

Silvia Gómez, Tomás Casatejada, Pedro García, Manuel Hernán, Antonio Zazo, Enrique López, Nieves Gonzálvez, Silvia Cuevas, Marina Gonzálvez, Elena Pijuán, Aitana Muñoz, Celia Carrasco

Ángela Gil, Patricia Flores, Triana Díaz-Asensio, Adriana Flores, Aroa Muñoz, Celia Rayo, Alejandra Sánchez, Minerva Sánchez, Paula Mansilla   

Celia Carrasco

Make-up and hairdresser
Pedro García

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